Working together to preserve our Central Coast Environment

Land for Wildlife NSW/ACT

The Land for Wildlife (LFW) program is a voluntary property registration scheme
for landowners who wish to manage areas for biodiversity and wildlife habitat.

Regional Providers

LFW enhances biodiversity on private land and does this through Regional Providers. LFW is an entry level program and Regional Providers act as a conduit for landholders with support of CEN through exchange of information which encourage active participation of landholders.

Private land conservation provides landholders with the knowledge and skills to maintain native vegetation and habitat on their properties. This contributes to catchment based management targets such as reducing erosion, poor water quality, weed invasion and loss of biodiversity. It aims to improve the management of native vegetation, wildlife habitat and the ecological value of a region, at a low cost to participants.

Local experience suggests that many private landholders would not take a first step towards conservation if such an entry level program were not available. As a result, LFW complements the initiatives of NPWS (now part of DECC) in promoting statutory Conservation Agreements and Wildlife Refuges. It also complements incentive programs provided by Catchment Management Authorities.

Organisation: Wingecarribee Shire Council

Contact Person: Casey Taylor - Koala and Private Land Conservation Officer


Phone: 0248680819

Expression of Interest Form:

Organisation: Greater Sydney Landcare

Contact Person: Xuela Sledge - Koala and Private Land Conservation Officer


Phone: 0409877566

Expression of Interest Form:

Organisation: I2S South Coast Land for Wildlife

Contact Person: David Rush


Phone: 0418977401

Expression of Interest Form:

Organisation: Glideways or Ecology Consulting

Contact Person: Mary Bonet


Phone: 0459352892

Expression of Interest Form:

Organisation: CEN


Phone: 0243494756

Expression of Interest Form:

Organisation: Community Environment Network (CEN)

Contact Person:


Phone: 0243494756

Expression of Interest Form: