Working together to preserve our Central Coast Environment

Bush Regeneration

The Community Environment Network (CEN) is proud to offer the services of a professional Bush Regeneration Team.

Bush Regeneration Team

CEN’s Bush Regeneration Team has extensive experience in rehabilitating ecosystems including wet and dry sclerophyll forests, rainforest, wetlands, coastal dunes and heathlands. Many of the ecosystems that CEN maintains are listed endangered ecological communities including: River-flat Eucalypt Forest, Swamp Sclerophyll Forest, Freshwater Wetlands, Littoral Rainforests and Themeda grasslands on seacliffs and coastal headlands. 

The CEN Bush Regeneration supervisor and our team members are all fully qualified in Conservation and Land Management, with a minimum of 12 months’ field experience. All team members carry a White Card and have first aid training. The team has a reliable, fully equipped vehicle for work in the Central Coast, Lake Macquarie and Cessnock local government areas (LGAs). 

We currently offer a range of discounts to landholders who are involved in property registration programs such as Land for Wildlife in the Central Coast, Lake Macquarie and Cessnock LGAs. 

CEN’s services include:

Expression of Interest

All work is assessed and planned prior to commencement and Rehabilitation Plans are provided. Management Plans for ongoing maintenance are also available for sites. 

For any enquiries about works or job opportunities please phone CEN’s Bush Regeneration Coordinator on 02 4349 4754.