Working together to preserve our Central Coast Environment

Adiantum aethiopicum – Maidenhair Fern

Attractive feathery fern
Full shade, part sun
Sand or clay
Spreads by rhizome or spore
Wildplant Community
Rainforest, sclerophyll forest, open woodland, and moist rocky areas.


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Attractive feathery fern with fronds from 10 to 50cm tall. It can grow in colonies 10m long, creating a ground cover in the right conditions.

Does best with a shaded situation, morning sun is suitable but no afternoon sun.

Well draining soil with reliable moisture, clay to sand.

Spreads by rhizome or spore

It does die down seasonally and will require cutting back hard to encourage new and attractive growth in Spring.

Wildplant Community
Near creeks in Rainforest, sclerophyll forest, open woodland, and moist rocky areas at high altitudes.