Working together to preserve our Central Coast Environment

LFW BCT Grants

Biodiversity grants

Landholders who are members of Land for Wildlife can apply at any time for a Landholder Biodiversity Grant.

As a Land for Wildlife Member, you can apply for $2,000/year. Land for Wildlife members can apply for up to three years with each year being a new application. If demand for the program is high, you may only be successful in one year. Years two and three applications will be considered after successful acquittal of previous year.

Grants will be allocated at five grants per month or until all available funds are used. Each month one grant will be awarded per Local Government Area (LGA) until the five grants are awarded. Eligible grants missing out one month will remain on the list and be reconsidered in following months.

The following activities are eligible:

  • Assisted regeneration and weed control, 
  • Fencing to secure conservation area or to enable restoration of native vegetation, 
  • Introduced pest animal control, 
  • Revegetation (including supplementary planting with local species), 
  • Improvement in Habitat Structure through additional ground cover layers, 
  • Repairs to existing habitat, soil or waterways to maintain biodiversity values, 
  • Other work needed to maintain biodiversity values.

In some cases, we may arrange to visit you on your property to assess eligibility or the success of outcomes. 

Previously completed works will NOT be eligible for a grant. 

Applications will be funded if they are eligible, complete and meet the assessment criteria, and if CEN has funding available.

Contributions from landholders such as labour or co-contributions are encouraged. Payment for your own labour is not eligible.

Eligible landholders can apply for a grant at any time. There are 50 grants available each year.

If you need to talk to us, please send an email to in the first instance. If you need to ring us, call: 02 4349 4756 on weekdays.

You will need to complete a grant application form, where you will provide details of the works you are proposing.

Applications will be assessed against the following pass/fail criteria:

  • Current Member of NSW Land for Wildlife;
  • The activity is good value for money;
  • Undertaking the activity will maintain or improve the biodiversity values of the property.

If you are successful and your application is approved:

  • A letter of offer will be sent with a grant agreement. The approval of your grant may have specific conditions determined in the assessment process.
  • You will need to accept the offer by signing the agreement and returning it to CEN for countersigning;
  • The grant funds will be lodged in your bank account for the agreed works.
  • You will need to report on the works and acquit the grant once complete to be eligible for further funding. To look at the Final Report click here.

A photo of the works should be taken before work begins and after the grant is completed and sent with the final report.

To apply for a Biodiversity Grant, use one of the below options:

Or download and then print the following PDF Biodiversity Grant Application form

Complete the form then post it back to CEN. 

CEN – Land for Wildlife Grants 
PO Box 149 

Acknowledgement: Funding for the Land For Wildlife Biodiversity Grants program is provided by the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.