Central Coast Wildwatch is about connecting kids with nature by exploring our environment and monitoring our flora and fauna.
Wildwatch Program
The program provides knowledge and understanding of local flora and fauna and encourages respect and caring for our local environment.
Wildwatch is an opportunity for children and families to engage in a program that promotes a love of nature and provides opportunities to observe nature and grow in knowledge, skills and understanding.
We run events such as bird watching, frog spotting and waterbug surveys to connect families and communities with the diverse environments on the Central Coast. CEN collaborates with experts from university, council, primary industries, ecologists and wildlife carers so families can experience these different habitats and learn about them at the same time.
The Wildwatch program is FREE TO JOIN and includes:
- A certificate for each child that joins Wildwatch
- Stickers and Wildwatch wildlife card
- A regular kid friendly newsletter
- Invitations and support to participate in Wildwatch events throughout the year (4-6 events)
Join Wildwatch
For more information download a registration form, or email us.