Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic this event is cancelled.
We will update with a new date as soon as possible.
Our CEN Youth members will be present at the 28 March Alive' Plant Based' Festival, at Gosford's Kibble Park .Putting together a social media video on Plant Based Foods as one of the 'Steps Towards a Sustainable Future'- please look out for CEN Youth where they will be visible with their t-shirts between 12-2pm. Even better come and up and say hello and find out more as CEN Youth take action for the future ...
This event has been postponed due to current COVID-19 (Corona virus) pandemic.
Do you want to help the environment but don't know where to start? Come along to a free Waterwatch training day and learn how you can protect your local waterway.
Our December Sustainable Saturday's on 7 December will be gifts of kindness to one another and our living earth as we team up with our local Amnesty Write for Rights event and write letters to protect our local natural habitats and defend those throughout the world who are doing the same.
Where we think globally as the earth knows no boundaries when it comes to our natural habitat and we act locally to protect our natural wonders to keep our air and water clean and our living communities safe from harm. We also take action buying and sharing native plants encouraging through our CEN nursery to give gifts that keep giving.
Join us won't you.
Everyone is welcome at your local Community Environment Network, Central Coast
Our Community is invited to attend the 2019 Central Coast High Schools Competition Awards Presentation and Community Environment YOUTH Network launch on Sunday the 20 October at the Marine Discovery Centre Terrigal from 4pm
Everyone is welcome to attend the awards presentation for the final year of this competition- 'Human Rights in an Age of Climate Change'- So What's the Action Plan?'
Our Community Environment Network proudly supports the 20 September Community Film Screening of '2040' Join us at Ourimbah campus from 6pm at Lecture Theatre 1 for the community priced $10 Adults and $5 for Children. Film screening '2040' as we build a sustainable future in which we think Globally and Act Locally.
School students from cities and towns across Australia will be joining together to strike for the Climate on Septemeber 20.
Most of us have never met in person before but are united by our concern about our planet.
We are striking from school to tell our politicians to take our futures seriously and treat climate change for what it is - a crisis.
Politicians can show us that they care by takingurgent action to meet our demands:
CALL 02 4349 4756
PO Box 149 Ourimbah NSW 2258
FM Building, Central Coast Campus,
University of Newcastle,
Loop Road, Ourimbah,
NSW, 2258