Paperbarks (Melaleuca)

A large group of plants, generally small to medium sized trees, distinguishable by their paper like bark. Flowers are tiny with large stamens, similar to Bottlebrush (Callistemon). Bird, benifical insects and small mamals are all attracted to these flowers. They range in colour from white to mauve depending on species.

Photo By: Warren and Gloria Sheather

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Melaleuca squamea - Swamp Honey Myrtle

Shrub to 3m
Full sun
Moist to well-drained soil
Flowers Spring
Wildplant Community
On Sandstone in wet heath or shrubland to moist woodland on boggy sands.


Melaleuca armillaris - Bracelet Honey Myrtle

Tree to 5m
Full sun to part shade
Well drained soils
Flowers Spring-Summer
Wildplant Community
Coastal heathland, shrubland, headlands and ranges.

